Aging Well after 50

by Deb C
A healthy life style helps you age well.

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Aging Well for Better Quality of Life after 50

Lucky us, our life expectancy is much higher than for our parents and grandparents.  Aging well will enhance your quality of life after age 50.  

Get the most out of today as well as your later years by staying healthy, challenging your brain and body, and cultivating new friends and experiences.  If you have a bucket list that involves the outdoors and travel, you definitely have to keep active in some way in your daily life.  Otherwise, you may not be able to fulfill your dreams as you may not be able to comfortably and safely get where you want to go .

Good Habits in Daily Life

Aging well in your later years doesn’t have to be expensive, it requires self-care and good habits.  Later in this post are some simple tips that mostly have to do with how you go about your day and life,  rather than embarking on a big fitness routine.

For example, every morning, before I get out of bed, I stretch.  Then I do some leg exercises I saw in a Pilates video.  I try to add a few reps here and there.  I have had an ankle that was bothering me.  I saw a quick routine in an AARP Magazine for strengthening ankles and added that.  It’s rotating each ankle 10x first left, then right, then flexing each ankle 10x.  My ankle is much better and I am improving my flexibility.

Just about every weekday morning I put on a Leslie Sassone exercise DVD which is based on exercising while walking.  There are several different routines, including one with stretch bands that provides variety.  An older friend recommended Leslie Sassone, saying her workouts helped with her restless leg syndrome.  She said the ones she exercises to are at a level that she likes, unlike some that are too strenuous and don’t appeal to her.

Your local library has resources for healthy living and opportunities for new hobbies and connecting with people.  You can try out the exercise videos to see which one suits you before buying one.  

Mixing TV with Keeping Active

I like to read and be on the computer so to offset the sitting time, I try not to sit when watching TV.  I stand and do exercises while watching Jeopardy.  I iron while watching a movie or sports.  Now, I’m not thin, but I’ve managed to drop a size in the last few years, rather than creeping weight gain.  I have an old knee injury that has pretty much stopped bothering me, rather than getting worse.  Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to pull on last year’s capris and find they still fit? Or are a bit loose?

 Some Simple Tips for Aging Well

    • Have regular checkups.
    • Take care of your teeth.
    • Take care of your feet.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • When walking, challenge yourself to walk faster in short spurts.
    • Have a regular schedule.
    • Have a hobby.
    • Challenge yourself in small and larger ways physically and mentally.
    • Limit sitting, or move every hour or so.
    • Have a pet.
    • Have a dog that requires daily walks.
    • De-clutter your life and home of things you don’t have a use for anymore.
    • Have a clean environment.
    • Make new friends or re-connect with old ones.
    • Limit your exposure to the sun and wear sun block or SPF lotion.
    • Take any medications as directed.
    • Get flu shots and vaccinations as directed by your doctor.
    • Limit snacking and second helpings.
    • Get enough sleep.
    • Smile more.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Aging Well

  • Aging well doesn’t just happen.  Little decisions every day make a difference.  A positive attitude and having friends, activities, and goals make for an enriched life.

What’s your tip?  What have you found to delight you, motivate you, and keep you active and healthy?

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